TeleFinder QuickStart!

The QuickStart instructions let you create a 'pre-fab' TeleFinder Web and BBS site. To the prefab site you can add SMTP and POP3 Internet Mail Servers, a Finger Server, and your own Web Pages.

The QuickStart sets up the following services:


CD-ROM Contents

When purchasing the full TeleFinder server, the CD-ROM will contain the following components.

TeleFinder Server

This folder contains the TeleFinder client and server software. See "Setting Up" for installation directions.

v5.7 Documentation

The "v5.7 Documentation" folder contains the full TeleFinder documentation in HTML format. Open homepage.html with Netscape, or another HTML browser to begin using the documentation.

Bonus Web Plugins

The "Bonus Web Plugins" folder contains many Web Server plugins that extend TeleFinder's Internet capabilities.

Development Kit

This folder contains development tools and documentation for creating Web Server plug-ins. Internet protocol descriptions for HTTP, POP3 and SMTP. Some TeleFinder file format descriptions and AppleEvent information.


A collection of useful utilities that work with TeleFinder.

TeleFinder™/User Folder

The TeleFinder client for MacOS in an uncompressed form. Compressed clients for MacOS and Windows are in the TeleFinder Server:tf-clients folder.


Setting Up

Follow these steps to run the TeleFinder Server.

• Select a location to install the software. Typically, this is the root level of the hard disk. Copy the "TeleFinder Server" folder from the CD to the desired location on your computer's hard disk. If installing from an Internet download, open the TeleFinder "sea" file and decompress the files into the desired location.
October 28, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software
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TeleFinder 5.7 Server