Improved Directory Printouts When you list your directory to the printer, the disk name prints in reverse field (white letters on a black background), which is not too legible on Commodore printers, and which totally confuses some others. The reverse field effect can be eliminated by a simple direct mode command executed after the directory has been loaded. 64 POKE 2053,32 128 GRAPHIC CLR: POKE 7173,32 PET/CBM POKE 1029,32 PLUS/4 and C16 GRAPHIC CLR:POKE 4101,32 VIC-20(unexpanded) POKE 4101,32 VIC-20(expanded) POKE 4613,32 The POKE is to an address five bytes above the start of the BASIC program area, and replaces the reverse field character with a space. On some machines, the previous execution of certain graphics statements causes the start of BASIC to move, so we have included a GRAPHIC CLR to undo the move. In most cases it can be omitted without any adverse effect.