TURBO Master CPU 4.09 MHz Accelerator Cartridge Brief Product Description Turbo Master CPU is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use cartridge which includes an on-board replacement microprocessor (CPU) and simply plugs into the expansion port to give your C64 computer four times faster processing speed. Thus your software actually runs four times as fast. In fact, the processing speed is nearly twice as fast as a standard IBM-PC/XT clocked at 4.77 MHz! In addition, Turbo Master CPU includes 'turbo' disk routines in ROM for five times faster disk Load and Save, and a convenient DOS 'wedge' in ROM. (However, Turbo Master CPU should not be confused with other so-called accelerator cartridges or Kernal ROM replacements which merely speed up the disk drive. Turbo Master is much more.) What to Expect Quite simply, your programs will fly. Screen graphics (including GEOS screens) are greatly accelerated. Word processors scroll, search-and-replace and insert much faster. 'Number crunching' and spreadsheet recalculation take one-fourth the time. At first you won't believe your eyes. Then you'll get 'hooked' and be unable to compute without Turbo Master CPU. Price and Guarantee The introductory price is only $199, shipping prepaid to US addresses. Order directly by telephone or mail. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Ten-day satisfaction or money back guarantee. Order now. Softare Compatibility Turbo Master CPU is compatible with nearly all Commodore C64 software. This includes programs written in Basic, machine-language programs, GEOS, programs which move screen memory, and bit-mapped graphics screens. The main limitation is that the few assembly-language programs which use 'illegal' or undocumented 6502 op-codes will not run because Turbo Master CPU uses an enhanced 65C02 microprocessor in which many previously undocumented op-codes are now officially assigned as useful instructions. Fortunately such programs are rare. Computer Compatibility Turbo Master CPU is intended for Commodore 64 and 64C computers. It also works with the SX-64 portable, as well as the C128 (in C64 mode). The 'turbo'disk Load and Save routines are for a 1541 disk drive, or close compatible. The 'turbo' disk routines can easily be turned off if you are using a different drive, and you will still have the benefit of the four times faster processing speed. Cassette tape cannot be used with Turbo Master CPU. (The slow cassette tape is inconsistent with anything 'turbo'.) Turbo Master CPU can be used with Schnedler Systems data acquisition and control interface boards. Turbo Master CPU is compatible with the GEORAM 512k Memory Expansion from Berkeley Softworks when used with a cartridge expansion motherboard and a replacement power supply. Physical Size Turbo Master CPU is nearly exactly the size of a Commodore 1764 Ram Expansion Unit. Is has a metal case approximately 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, with a gold-plated circuit board edge connector extending about 1 1/2 inches. Technical Details In addition to a Rockwell R65C02P4 microprocessor clocked at 4.09 MHz, Turbo Master includes its own 64k of fast static RAM (120 ns) and a 32k EPROM. The on-chip port on the regular 6510 processor in the C64 is emulated with TTL logic for bank switching. There are 16 ICs in total. In fact, Turbo Master CPU is practically a complete 64k microprocessor, lacking only a keyboard and screen. During operation of Turbo Master CPU, the 6510 microprocessor in the C64 is completely bypassed, while the VIC (video) chip, Sid (sound) chip, keyboard and serial bus port are all accessed by Turbo Master CPU and operate normally. The 6526 CIA timers in the C64 continue to be clocked at their usual 1.0225 MHz rate. Speed change between the standard 1.0225 MHz processor clock rate and the fast 4.09 MHz clock rate can be accomplished either manually using the switches, or by software. (The software speed switches Bit 7 of memory address $00.) Assembly-language programmers can use the full enhanced 65C02 instruction set, and we have a 65C02 assembler available (MAE). ROM 1 / Rom 2 Switch You will notice a switch for selecting either ROM 1 or ROM 2. These are two versions of the C64 Kernal. ROM 1 is a 'feature' ROM. The cassette tape routines have all been removed and replaced by fast disk Load and Save routines and by a DOS wedge. ROM 1 is highly compatible with most programs. ROM 2, which is a 'compatibility' ROM, is nevertheless provided. The cassette tape routines are present, but are disabled. ROM 2 does not have any extra features compared to a standard C64 Kernal ROM, but you still have the benefit of four times faster processing speed. JiffyDOS Compatibility Option An excellent disk speed up that works well in combination with the Turbo Master CPU processor accelerator to give you the best of both worlds is JiffyDOS from Creative Micro Designs (P.O. Box 789, Wilbrahan, MA 01095; telephone (413)525-0023). JiffyDOS differs from a simple 'turbo' disk load and save in that it also speeds up disk operations from within programs. JiffyDOS does not require cables, but it does require you to replace ROMS inside your computer and inside your disk drive. Here's the deal: If you have or are buying JiffyDOS from Creative Micro Designs, tell us and we can supply a Turbo Master CPU with a JiffyDOS-compatible ROM in the 'ROM 1'switch position in place of our standard 'feature' ROM at no additional cost. Note that you must have the basic JiffyDOS system from Creative Micro Designs for this option to be of benefit; otherwise you will not have a fast loader at all without our standard ROM 1. Manual and Disk Operation of Turbo Master CPU is quite simple and nearly self-evident. A single sheet of instructions would be enough. Nevertheless the manual is 24 pages in length, in an attempt to place in your hands all the information you might need. A disk is included with a few demo and utility programs, as well as text files for assembly-language programmers documenting the enhanced 65C02 instuction set. Address and Phone Number to Order: Schnedler Systems 25 Eastwood Road P.O. Box 5964 Asheville, North Carolina 28813 1-(704)274-4646 Shipment from stock within 24 hours via UPS. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ My Comments We have tried it and as far as speeding things up, it does work well! But when used with the bbs, when the board resets the send and receive lights flash and the modem never resets or you get a 'no modem' message. If there is any change or we do get it working i will update my comments on the cpu... Well thats it for this month. I hope you enjoy it and we'll see you again next month. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If there is anything that you would like me to check out or put in leave me mail explaining what you would like to see. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Angelo The Commodore Den 201-341-0945 New Jersey Info Line [PRESS RETURN]: