1581bootblock by Phil Anderson For sometime I have been trying to figure out a way to protect the boot sector on a 1581 disk from being overwritten when files are written to the disk The Bootmaker program on the test demo disk allocates track 1 sector 0 in the BAM Block Allocation Map when the boot is created but the format of the boot sector is such that no valid directory entry can be made that will keep a VALIDATE or COLLECT command from deallocating the BAM entry thus allowing a save operation to overwrite the boot sector I did write a short program that reallocates the boot sector and have been using that as an interim fix. The solution has been before me all along Slapping hand on forehead Use the Partition Aid also on the test mdemo disk to create a one block partition on track 1 sector and then use the Bootmaker to write the boot sector ignore the nasty remark in the Partition Aid about not being able to make a partition that size It must be done in the above order, because creating the partition will destroy the boot; do not attempt to open the partition before creating the boot The Bootmaker does not look at the directory it writes directly to the disk The reason this works is because the drive does not look at the directory when booting It goes directly to track sector 0 and reads it If the sector starts with CBM it is treated as a boot sector The VALIDATE COLLECT command ignores partitions so the boot sector is permanently protected The boot may be removed by simply scratching the partition type CBM file and then validating the disk It is said that some people can see through a brick wall if they look long enough At least I finally got to see the wall from the Newsletter of the Arizona Commodore Users Group as reprinted in the Newsletter of the Lansing Area Commodore Club